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Papers On Computer

Thank God we prayed the presence of Almighty God, as we were able to complete this paper. Preparation of the paper is organized to fulfill the English language about COMPUTERS. Besides the purpose of the preparation of this paper was also to add insight into the development and information and communication technology kemajuaan

Eventually we realized that the paper was very far from perfection. Therefore, with all humility, we accept criticism and suggestions for the preparation of the next paper to be better. For that we say a big thank you and I hope this paper useful to readers.

                                                                                                            Cangadi, 21 October 2012

                                                                                                                                    The author,

Cover............................................................................................................................. i
Preface......................................................................................................................... ii
Contents...................................................................................................................... iii

CHAPTER I  Introduction........................................................................................ 1
1.      Background...................................................................................................... 1
2.      Formulation of Problem.................................................................................... 1

CHAPTER II Discussion........................................................................................... 1
  1. Understanding computers................................................................................. 1
  2. History of computer.......................................................................................... 2

CHAPTER III Closing............................................................................................... 5
1.      conclusion......................................................................................................... 5
2.      suggestion......................................................................................................... 5

Daftar pustaka..................................................................................................... ....... 6

1.      Background
Today progress development and information and communication technology has been growing very rapidly. Various ease of obtaining information from all over the world can be enjoyed in a matter of seconds. At the "Stone Age" of information and communication technologies are considered as something that is not possible, has now become a reality. With extensive technology we should be able to use it.
Among the information technology in almost every place we found was a computer. Now the computer is growing rapidly every year almost always experienced perkembangan.Orang computer could use a computer anywhere at home, dikafe, school, and other place. While the model and design of the computer itself is also experiencing growth ..
2.      Problem Formulation

·         Understanding Computers
·         Computer History
·         Computer Development Process.

1.      Understanding Computers
Computers are tools used to process data in accordance with procedures that have been formulated. The word computer was originally used to describe people who perkerjaannya perform arithmetic calculations, with or without the tools, but the meaning of the word is then transferred to the machine itself. Origins, processing information almost exclusively related to arithmetical problems, but modern computers are used for many tasks unrelated to mathematics.
Broadly, the computer can be defined as an electronic equipment that consists of several components, which can work together between the components with one another to produce a program based on information and data available. The computer components are included: Screen Monitor, CPU, Keyboard, Mouse, and Printer (as a complement). Without a computer printer can still do its job as a data processor, but the extent seen on the monitor has not been in print form (paper).
In this definition that there are tools such as slide rule, mechanical calculators types ranging from abacus and so on, until all contemporary electronic computers. The term better suited for a broad sense as "computer" is "that process information" or "information-processing system."
2.      Computer History

a.       First Generation
Genarasi first computer is known as computer dinosaurs because the size is relatively large. Only people who are experts alone could use this computer as it is very difficult and very slow komputesinya power.
Characteristic features of the computer in the first generation are as follows:
Elektronikanya component of Tube Vacuum (Vacuum Tube)
·         The program is in machine language (Machine Language), a program stored in the computer's memory. The program is still using the language of the machine by using the code 0 and 1 in a specific order.
·         The size is large and requires a very broad
·         much cooler (AC) as much off heat
·         The process is relatively slow
·          Requires little capacity to store data.
Factories producing; UNIVAC, IBM, Burroghs, HONEYWELL
Examples of machines; ENIAC, MARK II, EDSAC, MARK III, UNIVAC I & II, IBM 650, ADVAC
The first generation of computers started from year 1942 to year 1959

b.      Second Generation
This second generation computers emerged in the 1960's and once the computer is widely in use in various corporate companies in particular in the field of business. Size is smaller than the first generation that is approximately the size of a closet. In this era humans have known printer, memory, disk or operating system.
Characteristic features of the second generation of computers are as follows:
Elektronikanya components of transistors, made with Assembly Language Program, Common Business-Oriented Language (COBOL) and FORTRAN (Formula Translator) and ALGOL
·         The size is relatively small
·         Do not release much heat
·         It has been known Magnetic Tape and Magnetic Disk to store data
·         Begin to know Tele Processing (time sharing that allows multiple users to use kokmputer together)
·         The process relatively faster
·         Capacity to store data increases.
Factories producing; UNIVAC, IBM, Burroghs, HONEYWELL, CDC (Control Data Corporation), NCR

c.        Third Generation
The new findings in the area of ​​hardware acted with the advent of IC (Integrated Circuit) in computer components. Because of its advantages in bringing together the various components in a single chip so that the computers at the time computers become increasingly smaller size without degrading the performance of the resulting, even further improve its performance. On the software, programming techniques plural (Multi Programming) was developed so that further adds to a collection of existing programming languages. Cray-1, UNIVAC 90/30 and IBM computers 360adalah some examples in this generation.
The third generation of computers is the most rapid development of the development of existing computers. The third generation computers emerged from the era of 1965-1971's. Transistors are considered inefficient longer makes man look for another solution and that solution is found in quartz stone (quartz rock). Jack Kilby, an engineer at Texas Instruments, developed the integrated circuit (IC: integrated circuit) in 1958. This is an innovation that can boost the emergence of third-generation computers.
Characteristic features of the third generation computers are as follows:
Elektronikanya component of the Integrated Circuit (IC) or chip-shaped plate made program with a high level language (High Level Language), namely: BASIC, FORTRAN, COBOL been applying the concept of multi-processing and can run more than one program multi-programming at the same time can communicate with other devices to perform data communication such as telephones with computers.
• Smaller size of the second generation of computers
• Begin to know Multi Programming and Multi Processing
• The integration between Software and Hardware in Operating Systems
• The process is very fast
• The capacity to store more data.
Factories producing; IBM, Burroghs, HONEYWELL, NCR
Examples of machines; IBM S/360, UNIVAC 1108, PDP 8 & 11, HONEYWELL 200, RCA SPECTRA 70.
In this era also began to use the operating system (operation system) which allows the engine to run many different programs at once with a central program that monitored and coordinated the computer's memory. Computer operating system in the third generation is the UNIX and Windows. Walapupun graph is still very minimal.

d.       Fourth Generation
Along with the speed of development of the computer as a tool when processing data is increasing rapidly, especially in this generation. An increasing velocity is inversely proportional to the smaller size, supported by a larger memory capacity. The price is getting cheaper due because the components have been produced and sold in mass. During this period, various IC incorporated into a single unit forming a component called the VLSI (Very Large Scale IC). Using software developed more easily and deployed in home computers, such as word processing and spreadsheets. Internet network even more extensive previously only enjoyed by the elite groups are now able to be used also by the general public. The use of microprocessors is now an absolute no longer used only on computers but has been applied to other electronic products, such as televisions and microwaves. Seeing the development of the computer world a very high growth rate from the beginning to the present generation we can predict how the characteristics of the next generation computers.
e.       Fifth Generation Computer
Characteristic features of the fifth generation computer are as follows:
The computer generation is still in the development stage and has not been widely wearer. Genarasi computer development was spearheaded by the country of Japan
Elektronikanya components using the new forms of VLSI chips
Programs written in languages ​​PROLOG (Logic Programming) and LISP (List Processor)
The fifth generation computer focused on AI (Artificial Intelligence / Artificial Intelligence), which is something related to the use of computers to carry out tasks which are analogous to human behavior.
Two signs of the emergence of the fifth generation computer innovation is a means of parallel computers allow multiple CPUs to work together to form an efficient network.

1. Conclusion
The development of the computer from time to time always increase. At first the computer is not a tool that was created for multiple purposes as we observe today. First computers were created simply as a means to simplify the calculation or simply as a mathematical calculating machine. But along with the development of the computer age continues to evolve into a versatile machine especially in the field of industry and research.

2. Suggestion
For the computer technology advances, it is expected that the development of future computer able to change the thinking and make Indonesia become a human being creative and innovative. And the growth kratifitas to produce a work that is useful for manusia.Diharapkan with the computer technology can be utilized in accordance with the actual usefulness capable mempercerdas nation instead of destroying the moral fatherly moral bangsa.Kemajuan computer in the future are expected to help all kinds of people work so that they can get the job done they quickly because future technologies will increasingly sophisticated and all work is done with the computerized system


Stallings,William. Computer Organization and Architecture “designing for performance”. New Jerseys : Prentice Hall. Sixth edition.
Tanenbaum, Andrew S. Structured Computer and Organization 4th edition PDF.
http:/awank.blogsome.come/Sejarah perkembangan computer ma


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