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Hello friends … !!! Previously I thank you for going to visit my Blog site. Here I will discuss a blockchain project called World Wi-fi, this blockchain allows guests to be used / connected by sharing capacity and in the process of cryptourrency for shared capacity. Of course the platform has its own reputation. Because for this project has been made, well for more I will explain what is World Wi-fi.
What is Wi-Fi World?
World Wi-fi  is a global decentralized free network. Platform users are common people, router owners and advertisers. Users enjoy free internet, router owners are paid for by advertisers for advertisements viewed by users; advertisers receive effective tools for targeting advertising and analysis of the effectiveness of ad campaigns.
World Wi-Fi Mission:
Internet is important for many reasons, and it helps and facilitates almost all aspects of modern life. The view in the community has evolved MISSION that Internet access is one of civil rights of a person. The United Nations Human Rights Council adopted a resolution condemning a country to block or restrict access to the Internet for its citizens. At the same time, a larger share of the world’s population of more than 7.6 billion people still do not have access to the Internet. In most cases, those who have it have to pay for it.
The monthly cost of residential internet with a connection speed of 10 Mb / s in different countries varies from $ 3.40 to $ 197.70. The average monthly subscription fee in the world is around $ 30. If the internet is considered to meet basic human needs, everyone should have the opportunity to access the internet whether paid or free. According to the UN in 2016, there are more than 800 million people below the poverty line (below $ 1.90 per capita per day). This is more than 10% of the world’s population. Richest and middle-class accounts reach 24%. For 76% of the world’s population, the monthly Internet cost is a huge amount. And it goes without saying that almost everyone will welcome some additional source of income.
In the end, everyone wins while ordinary users get free Internet access, beneficiaries, and advertisers reach their target audience. World Wi-Fi is a global project created by the community.
There are three keys in the chain:
1. Guest users — connect to open and secure WiFi access points and to the Internet and view ads instead of free Wi-Fi
2. The owner of the router — provides secure Internet access through guest access to WiFi access points and accepts payments from advertisers.
3. An advertiser is an ad targeting audiences through the owner’s router, in which the advertiser makes payments to the owner of the Router.
How The WiFi World Works
  1. The Wi-Fi world is a decentralized platform for users and advertisers, based on block connections. This chain has three main components:
  2. Guest user, someone connected to a network access point, is open and can use the Internet for free after viewing the ad.
  3. The router owner provides access to an open network and earn money by connecting guest users.
  4. The advertiser advertises ads for the target audience and pays the owner of the router.
  5. When connected to the system, the router creates and provides the guest with another network.
  6. They are isolated from the home network at the software level, so those connected to the network will not have access to the computer from the owner of the main network router.
  7. The router owner can set the appropriate parameters for the public network (speed, maximum number of connections, number of ads shown, etc.).
  8. When connected to a guest network, guest users will see targeted ads that may interest them
  9. Revenue from the owner of the router depends on who the user is and how many ads he sees.
  10. Platform Location WiFi World Platform, social network profile, search history and other parameters needed for behavioral targeting.
  11. If there are signs of high-ranking visitors on this network, the more tokens that are issued and effective, the more ad impressions that will harm the advertiser.
  12. World WiFi is developing this project with community support, so everyone can earn money in proportion to the growth of a global Wi-Fi network.
  13. Referrals allow active users to receive more in global network settings by attracting new router owners.

Sales Token
Token: WeToken
Total awards issued: 600,000 WT.
Tokens for sale: 258 000 000 WT
Pre-sale: November 28, 2017–23 January
2018 Initial sales:
10% of pre-sale estimates from 25 January 2018 to 25 February 2015 or 600,000 WT;
33% token total token sales or 198,000,000 WT.
The prize money is 12 000 000 WT (2%) ~ 1.2 million USD.
Price: 1 WeToken = 0.1 USD.
Learn more about ICO World Wi-Fi Project A
10% token sold on PRE-ICO.
33% token will be sold as ICO.
39% of all characters are frozen for one year.
3% Rewards, 3% Torture
7% founders, range 5%
WIFI token project in the world
Name — WeToken (WT)
Amount — 600,000,000
Tokenblock — Ether (ERC-20)
Pre-ICO Terms and Conditions Wi-Fi World PRA-ICO Terms — From 28 November 2017 to 23 January 2018, Total Sales Token — 60 million WT
ICO World Wi-Fi Project
ICO dated January 23, 2018 to February 25, 2018.
ICO -1 Token = $ 0.01
Total sales — 198,000,000 WT
Unsold tokens have collapsed


For more information Links :
Eth Address : 0x25301592D754301cCb878707Be589a8D7c820FA8


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