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[ICO] Sapien - The Future of Social News Platforms

Sapien- The Future of Social News Platforms

Hello friends…!!! Previously I thank you for the willingness to visit my Blog site. Currently I am going to discuss a large ICO that is currently running, which is already known to many people and provides very much benefit for its users That is Sapien. well without any length I will explain what is Sapien.


Sapien is an online cryptocurrency based social media news platform, that is part of the future of online news platforms dealing in cryptocurrency. The Sapien platform is working to provide unbiased and real news which users can participate and add to in discussions. Their platform is very democratic and has the ability to be customized. On the platform, users and content creators are capable to earn rewards for contributing to the platform, all without any kind of centralized intermediaries. The platform uses its own type of cryptocurrency, called the SPN, which is with what contributors to the platform are rewarded with. The SPN tokens are also what powers and structures the entire platform.

Sapien is working to help improve the quality of news content on the internet, with the help of the features on the platform and their SPN tokens. Sapien hopes that the use of rewarding creators and contributors with their SPN token will help promote better and more fact-checked news and content. As contributors and users progress and grow larger on the platform, their reputation score and rewards earned will grow as well. Sapien has deemed the use of reputation scores necessary in order to stagnate the spreading of fake news articles and information, as well as put a stop to internet trolls who would only use the platform for laughs or as a joke to create drama. All of the value of the Sapien platform is held in its ability to produce and spread respectable and unbiased, high-quality news content.

The purpose of creating the democratized and autonomous platform in a social media-like platform is to give the creators and the people who truly care about the quality of what the create and put out into the news world and safe place for such endeavors. The users of the platform have a great hold and control over how the platform is run and in which way it is going. Users even have the power to take part in important changes and addition to the platform, such as organizational decisions, feature developments, and market place rewards. If anyone wants to be heard or share their opinion on a certain feature of the site, all they have to do is send in a proposal via the Sapien proposal system. Partners and shareholders that have a hold of SPN tokens will have the power to endorse and give suggestions on prioritizations and additions for different milestones within the platform.

Sapien’s goals for the future of their platform are to overall create and grow their community of talented and driven content creators and users. They want the participators within the community to be tight-knit and passionate in their quest for bettr and unbiased news coverage. Users within this platform even have the amazing ability to send each other tips using the SPN tokens for content that have been put together or written extraordinarily well. Sapien hopes to be a platform that can liberate creators relying on ad revenue for their profit, and instead want to support them with SPN for their high-quality work and creativity.

References and social platforms Sapien :


ETH Address : 0x25301592D754301cCb878707Be589a8D7c820FA8


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